Week 3 Brexit - Does your business import or export goods?

- 13th November 2020
If your business imports or exports goods either as sales or in your supply chain, there are a number of things you need to do and be aware of with the end of the Brexit transition period ending on 31st December 2020.
From 1st January there are many changes that you need to be aware of, including changes in tariffs, import VAT, insurance and VAT registration plus the need to register for an EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) number for businesses that import or export goods, either as sales or in their supply chain.
Here to Help
To help SMEs prepare for Brexit, we have produced some helpful materials including:
Preparing for Brexit: A Guide for SMEs (including helpful links to tools and further resources); and
If you would like any further help or guidance, please get in touch.
For further information about Brexit and for useful links and resources please visit our hub page.
Any news or resources within this section should not be relied upon with regards to figures or data referred to as legislative and policy changes may have occurred.