Are Multi Academy Trusts the future for the survival of schools?

- 12th March 2019
Last week the BBC reported on the “school funding crisis” that more than 7,000 head teachers in England have warned the government about. The article goes on to state “Earlier this year, the Education Policy Institute said almost a third of local authority secondary schools in England were unable to cover their costs, with the proportion of these schools in the red almost quadrupling in four years.” Read the full article here.
With these shocking statistics what does the future of our education system look like?
For trustees, these will be very difficult and worrying times. With such a lack of funding, how do you keep a school running and delivering education to pupils? Does the Multi Academy Trust (MAT) model signal the best way forward?
Forrester Boyd Chartered Accountants, work with over 69 Academies including 16 MAT’s through the Lincolnshire, the East Midlands, South Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire region and have seen the success that this has bought to many educational providers. We are also aware of the potential pitfalls and downsides, so can offer objective advice on the most suitable model for your school.
If you need more help or advice on best practice in relation to budget and financial management, Forrester Boyd are teaming together with Barclays and legal experts Wilkin Chapman at a FREE to attend breakfast seminar on Thursday 21 March at the Forest Pines Hotel. Whether you are a local authority school, a single academy or a MAT, this event will aim to give you some insight and practical advice to take away. Also hear from the CEO of a successful MAT and his experience from conversion to where they are today.
Book your place today to avoid disappointment at what will be a lively and topical debate. You can also give us a call to discuss your current position and options. Speak to one of our specialist education advisers today.
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