Viking FM’s Cash For Kids beneficiary of directors donations

- 2nd July 2019
The Institute of Directors (IoD) lunch during Humber Business Week has led to a donation of £845 being made to Viking FM’s Cash for Kids.
The launch day of Humber Business Week is the regular slot for the regional IoD lunch which this year saw the KCOM stadium filled with business leaders from across the North and South Banks of the Humber.
Forrester Boyd, one of the region’s largest independent chartered accountants and was delighted to support this years’ lunch and to be entertained by guest speaker Kevin Keegan.
Lunch organiser Pat Coyle, Branch Chair, IoD East Yorkshire (Humber) invited table sponsors to nominate a charity of their choice. “The local branch committee were keen to thank table sponsors who support us year on year, by raising money for the charities close to their hearts. Our charity raffle, which raised over £2500 on the day, was shared between three charities, one of which was Cash for Kids. We are extremely thankful to our guests for digging deep and raising so much to benefit these fantastic local charities.” said Pat. Kevin Keegan had the honour of pulling a table sponsor name out of the hat. Forrester Boyd were delighted to be picked out with their chosen charity, Viking FM’s Cash For Kids, being the beneficiary of donations made during the luncheon.
Representatives from Forrester Boyd and the IoD went along to the Viking FM offices on Tuesday 25 June to present a cheque for £845 to Karthyn Biggin, Viking FM’s Charity Manager.
Kathryn said “We are so grateful to Forrester Boyd for selecting us as the beneficiary for this raffle. Cash for Kids works hard in the local area to make a difference to the lives of children who are sick, disabled and disadvantaged and we are so appreciative for this to have been recognised by Forrester Boyd and the Institute of Directors.”
Mike Beckett, partner at Forrester Boyd’s Beverley office said; “We chose the Viking FM’s Cash for Kids charity as our beneficiary for the great work that they do across the North and South banks of the Humber. The Humber suffers from high areas of deprivation so we felt this a very worthy charity for our nomination."
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